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Products certified by EOF, ensuring plant protection in the safest way


Sepalis markets products certified by EOF, ensuring plant protection in the safest way. It cooperates with leading companies in the pesticides' field such as Bayer, Basf, Syngenta and other important firms with wide experience in plant protection products.


The technology and ongoing research gained by the partners of Sepalis lead to innovative solutions, aiming at the benefit of the Agricultural Community. Through the detailed study of plants and specific cultivation conditions of each country, new solutions are emerging for the protection of plants from their enemies without, however, threatening the beneficial properties of the produce.


Sepalis pays great deal of attention on the sensitive area of plant protection and is constantly updated on global developments in order to be able to propose the best possible solutions, entirely corresponding to the Greek farming.


An important role in the marketing of pesticides is held by our advisory service regarding the rational use of products and their application in quantity and time, thus ensuring the best possible quality for both the producer and the end consumer.


See also


